REDD+ projects in 2014 : an overview based on a new database and typology
par Gabriela Simonet, Alain Karsenty, Christian de Perthuis, Pete Newton, Brian Schaap, Coline Seyller
actualisé en juillet 2015
(disponible en Anglais uniquement)
Cosiderig the lak of larity aout hat ‘EDD+ projets are, this paper suggests defiig the as “Local or landscape projects, with an explicit aim of reducing emissions from the forestry sector; financed by REDD+ funds and/or carbon markets; located in non-Annex I countries”. We then provide a snapshot of REDD+ projects globally, based on a new database and typology. We show that ‘EDD+ futios as a logo to attrat speifi fiaig, ith liited ioatio i terms of approach. Moreover, REDD+ projects differ from Kyoto carbon projects by their limited focus on climate change mitigation and low dependence on carbon revenue.